Appointed as State Head of Health Care Domain for AIPC

Appointed as State Head of Health Care Domain for AIPC

Telangana State Head for Healthcare Professionals – AIPC

We are delighted to announce that our founder and trustee, Mr. Mujtaba Hasan Askari has been appointed as State Head of Health Care Domain for AIPC (All India Professionals Congress), a unit of AICC, New Delhi.

Health is a social good and a fundamental right. Strengthening the public health systems for addressing health inequities is an acute need in a country like us. In the responsibility bestowed on him by the AIPC, he would act as the voice of the health professionals particularly the front-line health workers, like the Asha Workers, ANMs, emergency paramedical staff, rural health practitioners, Ayush health workers, etc. Improving health services by empowering these workers will improve public trust and health delivery.